This question mainly comes into play when I am talking about somebody's walk with the Lord. Notice I said walk with the Lord, as I believe that this is an ongoing path that we walk down the rest of our life. It is not meant to be something we "Try" for a season, and then abandon and get off the path. Even yet it is not meant to be a treadmill where we stand in place and experience little too no growth.
I have always been intrigued by the amount of people who "Play Church." Now once again before you tell me that it is not my place to characterize people, Matthew 7:16 (ESV) says, "You will recognize them by their fruits." This is of course referring to the Fruits of the Spirit found in Galations 5:22-23. Some people get all caught up in committees at their church, that they forget to experience the freedom and joy in the Lord. Others are so hauty that they forget that Jesus didn't care for the religious ways of the Pharisees and Sadducees (which were the pompous religious followers of the law in Jesus time).
The reason I am writing this Blog, is because of a conversation that I had with my 8 year old boy Nathan on Sunday. Coming home from church, he starts talking about the pastors sermon. He was bringing up details that I was absolutely shocked with his recollection of details. It was as if I was carrying on a conversation with an adult. I have to say that I just assumed that he wasn't paying attention and was fidgeting the whole time. I brought this to his attention and he simply said the following with the the utmost respect, I am sure: "Well Duh, I always pay attention in church." That same night he went on to tell me that he was on chapter 9 of the book. Once again I was a little dumfounded and asked him what book he was referring to. Once again with the utmost respect I am sure, he answered: "Well duh, the book that you gave me to read." I had given him a book entitled "Little Pilgrims Progress" to read a couple weeks ago after we watched the newly released movie. Why had I taken him to church, but expected him not to listen? Why had I given him a book, but expected him not to read it?
I guess the naivety was on me. However, is this not parallel to our relationship with Jesus at times? He has given us His word, but yet we rarely read it. He has shown us the way, but yet we rarely follow. He has won the war, but we very rarely are equipped to fight any battles. DUH... Get in the game. CAN I HEAR A WAR CRY???