Okay, I wasn't there 9 years ago today, but I was there six days later. I remember landing at the San Salvador airport experiencing a third world country for the first time. The hot air blasted me as we walked through the open air pavilion. When we got to customs, there was a big red button. If you pushed it and it turned green, you weren't checked by customs. If you pushed it and it turned red, you were checked. Remember this was prior to 911. I talk about my experience in El Salvador in Chapter 4 of my book addressing Pride in my life. Over that week long span of time, I experienced life that has forever changed my outlook. This was a country that had nothing, and overnight was suddenly shoved into the dark ages.
If you turn on the news today, you will see that Haiti was struck with a 7.0 earthquake at 4:53 p.m. yesterday. It hit just a few miles outside of Port-Au-Prince (the capital city). Not only is this immensely devastating, but the most populated area. Pictures are streaming out of the country that bring tears to my eyes. Until you have lived and seen this devastation and its effects first hand, you have no idea how helpless you feel. I want nothing more than to jump on a plane for Haiti to help out with the relief efforts.
Did you know that earthquakes go on daily all around us in the US? No it is not just California, although at the present they have the majority of them. Ferndale, California was struck with a 6.5 earthquake on January 10th. False Pass, Alaska was hit with a 3.8 earthquake yesterday. Seeley Lake, Montana also had a 3.9 earthquake today. The ground is rumbling my friends. I am not trying to say that this is anything new, but it certainly is eye opening.
Luke 21:11 (ESV) says, "There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven." This is talking about the end times. This blog is not meant to instill fear in your heart, but rather an awareness of your surroundings. Is the ground shaking beneath your feet???