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When I came home on Tuesday January 12th, 2010, I flipped on the news. I will never forget the feeling of my heart sinking into anguish when I heard the news out of Port Au Prince, Haiti about the devastating 7.0 earthquake that ravished that small island country. I remember feeling a strong tug on my heart that I was to go down there and serve. In the aftermath the Haitian government went on to report that over 230,000+ people had died, 300,000+ had been injured, and over 1,000,000 were left homeless. Due to civil unrest, lack of inoculations and vaccines, and strategic planning on the ground, we were not able to go into Haiti until July of 2010. I went with a contingent of 7 other guys down to Haiti to help with the rebuilding efforts. We built about 6 temporary structures while we were down there, unloaded 450 five gallon buckets of food off of a shipping container, and had the opportunity to minister to many Haitians in word and deed. When I left that small island, I had no anticipation or excitement to go back. I truly felt that it was going to be a one-time trip for me. The hospitality and facilities that the Southern Baptist provided were great, as was the team that I was a part of. However, I never thought that I would be going back. Around the 18th of November, I felt the Lord tugging on my heart once again to lead a team back to Haiti. With the churches support and encouragement, I am putting together a team to go back to Haiti June 12th—19th, 2011. I am as excited as I have ever been before. This will make my 5th foreign mission trip. I went to El Salvador in 2001 to aid in Earthquake rebuilding efforts. I led teams in 2005 and 2006 to Jamaica to build a house and a church. As mentioned I served in Haiti this last summer. My heart is in serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, wherever He calls me. So I am being obedient to that call and GOING… What we will be doing while in Haiti, is aiding in the Rebuilding efforts. So far the Southern Baptist have built 40 concrete block homes, with a plan of building 1,000 by August 31st, 2011. It is my understanding that we might be assisting them in these building efforts: Possibly doing some site preparation, some sub-assembly work, as well as assisting the Haitians in building. I would like to ask you for two forms of support. First and foremost, I need your prayer support. It has been reported that up to 80% of the Haitian’s practice Voodoo. It has been a country with a very dark occult past. However, since the earthquake, many lives have been changed and transformed. The Baptist have reported that over 140 new churches have been established since the earthquake, and more than 140,000 people have accepted Christ into their lives. Secondly, I need your financial support. It will cost me approximately $1,500+ to go back down to Haiti. Since I already have my passport and vaccines, I will not have that extra added expense. The Haitians are in much need of assistance. Just because it is not popular on the news any longer, does not mean that the need has diminished. They have been struck with cholera outbreaks, as well as civil unrest during political elections. Would you be willing to help me in support? I am sending this letter out ahead of time, as some people might still be looking for ways of making year-end tax donations. All donations are tax-deductible. If you are not able to provide financial support in tax year 2010, then I would welcome it when you could in 2011. Make Checks Payable to: Shelbyville First Baptist Church Mail Checks to: Greg Jacobs 3005 Falcon Court Shelbyville, KY 40065 If you would like to watch a video about the Rebuilding Efforts in Haiti, please click on the following link below: If you would like to see pictures from my 2010 trip, please click on the following link below, then on the tab entitled: “Haiti”: I was reading The Courier Journal (Louisville newspaper) this morning, and there was an article about a University Louisville Psychology professor by the name of Walter Mischel. He won the Grawenmeyer award and $100,000, for his life-long studies on "Delayed Gratification" and utilizing "Willpower" to its max. I know nothing about this gentleman, or his work for that matter. I do not know if he is coming at this from a secular or Christian angle. However, it has got me thinking most of the day about "Self-Control." We live in a society that is saturated with Instant Gratification. If it feels good, the world says to go ahead and do it. This is why we are in the state that we are in today from a socio-economic standard, spiritually, financially, sexually, obesity, and the list goes on and on... I am not sure that Delayed Gratification, and Self-Control are necessarily one in the same. I think it is possible to delay ones gratification to a later date, but not necessarily exercise self-control at that point in time. I also feel that chocking it all up to Willpower, could quite possibly admit that the power is somehow within us, when the Bible plainly teaches that we are to submit to His Holy Spirit. Never the less, I am not going to try and split an atom with intentions of definition. Point being that Delayed Gratification, Self Control, and Willpower are all three things that we could be well served to have more of in our lives. All through Psalms, Proverbs, Acts, Corinthians, Galations, Timothy, and Titus, the Bible stresses Self Control. We are to take control of ourselves, and not gratify the flesh at every whim. When I was trying to find a picture to attach to this Blog, I typed in: "Self Control," then "Delayed Gratification." and finally "Willpower" in Google Images. I was overwhelmingly amazed at the two themes that seemed to jump off the page. They were without doubt: 1) SEX & 2) FOOD. This should not be too surprising as the Bible talks repeatedly about the dangers of indulging oneself. I can't help but think of how much better off as a society we would be if we exercised a little self control. So back to the title, is it overrated? Of course not. It is unfortunately not spoken of much in this fast food society that we live in. If you are too tired to cook, just go through McDonald's drive-thru. Of course if you are too tired to cook, then obviously you are going to be too tired to exercise and burn off the almost 1,000 calories you just inhaled down your gullet. If you want to sexually gratify yourself, the world has taught that we should do what makes us happy. Even if this means viewing pornography on the internet, having pre or extramarital relations, or just simply getting divorced. I can't tell you how many times I have heard people give horrible advice to a person to get divorced, so it would make them happy in the here and now. The challenge is that we all could use a little Self Control in our lives. It is not about feeding and instantly gratifying the flesh. There is an element of willpower that we have to have in order to be determined not to do certain things. However, let us never diminish the Power of Jesus in a person's life. He is just waiting to give you the balance you need, if you surrender and turn your life completely over to Him... |
Thoughts to ponder by: