Jesus Christ is the most important thing to me! Allow me to elaborate… When I was less than a year old, my mom and dad got divorced. I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with my mom and brother Michael until I was eleven years old. At that time, my mom moved my brother and me down to Shelbyville, Kentucky on a 35 acre farm. I enjoyed riding horses, cutting grass, hunting, fishing, and the overall great outdoors.
Although I was raised in church, I knew something was missing from my life.I sat in plenty of church services, and heard about Jesus all of my life, but didn’t know Him personally.I thought that I did.I would go to church and sing songs with the best of them, and raise my hands heavenward.However, I never knew Jesus personally.
On February 19, 1992 I came to know my Jesus intimately.I was just 2 weeks shy of my 18th birthday.Up until that time I had been “playing church.”That night Jesus became so real in my life that I realized I was a wretched sinner in need of a savior.I was broken and cried out for God to forgive me for the sinner that I was, and through His Holy Spirit’s drawing I received Him into every facet of my life.
Life has never been the same for me.I have had ups and downs in life, but my Jesus has always been there for me.I have pushed Him aside at times, but my Jesus has never left me.At a stage in my life when I thought I was all that, He gently reminded me that he doesn’t tolerate pride and conceit.My Jesus has never stopped teaching me, because I have never gotten up from sitting at the foot of my Master.
I couldn’t imagine life without Him.Every day I wake up and talk with Jesus.He is my all and everything.Every breath that I breathe belongs to Him, as I realize that He is my creator, and I am His creation.I talk and He listens, but most importantly I shut-up and He talks to me.His Holy Spirit leads, guides, and directs my path on a minute-by-minute basis.He provides me a peace and calmness in a world that is wrought with confusion and anxiety.He not only promises me a place with Him in heaven, but He assures me that He will never leave me or forsake me in this life.I do not live life with an end result of heaven, but live in the here and now knowing that I need Him daily, and the end result will come as a cause of that.
I am absolutely, unequivocally, sold-out, all or nothing, on fire, wholly devoted to Jesus Christ.He is not a religion that I practice, but a relationship that I cherish.He is not a building that I enter, but He dwells in me as His temple.He is not a god that is dead, but ALIVE in every facet of my life.I can’t contain it and want to shout it from the rooftops.Not because I am told to, but because I can’t hide how much He means to me.He is the most important thing in my life!!!
If you do not know my Jesus, then please go to my “Contact” tab at the top of my website and e-mail me. I would love to introduce you to the One who died for your sins. If you think that you know Him because of your church attendance, but do not have the passion expressed above, allow me to introduce you to my Jesus’ all consuming power. Yes, the times are short my friends, but more than that, how can you live another day without Jesus in your life?