Now before you try giving me suggestions on how to fix this nice little problem, I have had professionals and novices alike offer suggestions to no avail. It has been suggested that I use a Glade plug in for my electrical outlet. All that does is mask the smell. I had the Heating and Cooling Guy drop by a big glob of mystery goo that is supposed to absorb all smells. It must have not been charged properly, as it hasn't seemed to work. I have suggested a de-humidifier in the basement, but that would require installing an electrical outlet to plug it in; not to mention a drain for the water to be disposed properly.
All of this got me thinking this morning about the state of human lives. How many of us live in remodeled bodies that look great from the outside, but inside stink to the core. How many of us have hidden sins and secrets that we don't like others to know about, however they seem to creep through the basement floor anyway. A man or a woman will always be found out from what they possess on the inside. You might think that you are hiding an addiction or vice well, but the Truth will come out in your actions (You will know them by their Fruit). It might be a cross word here, or a lustful glance there, or maybe even a dirty joke around the water cooler. Or it could simply be that you go to church every Sunday and do everything you can do to "Earn" your way into Heaven. Salvation can only come through the free gift of Grace, and nothing we can do to earn it.
Although I seem to be stuck with my dillemma in my office, I know that I don't need to be stuck with this in my personal life. I am a firm believer in throwing open the closet doors of life and allowing the sun to expose any skeletons a person might have in their closet. Why is there a closet in the first place? You see when I sit in my office all day, I don't smell the odor. However, when I leave for lunch and come back later, it hits me square in the face. Life is like this as well. Sometimes we wallow in ourselves so much, that we fail to see the odor rising up from our souls.
The sun that exposes our deepest dark musty smell is The SON Jesus Christ. As always, if you don't know Him, I would love to introduce you to Him. If you think that you know Him, do a self evaluation of your life to never presume that you are free from the stench underneath. Lastly, if you really do know Him, please don't keep it to yourself...