Let me make it very clear, I do not agree with Jihad, the Muslim faith, or the killing of innocent civilians. My simple point is that it is easy to point the finger at other religions as extreme or radical, when in essence we are asleep at the wheel. George Barna with The Bara Group, put out some research in 2003 about what it meant to be a Christian with a Biblical Worldview. According to his research, less than 4% of adults have a Biblical Worldview as the basis of their decision-making. He says that the primary reason that pople do not act like Jesus, is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior stems from what we think-our attitudes, beliefs, values, and opinions.
Of those 4% that had a Biblical Worldview, they were less likely to accept and partake in the following behaviors:
31 times less likely to accept cohabitation before marriage.
18 times less likely to endorse drunkeness.
15 times less likely to condone gay sex.
12 times less likely to accept profanity.
11 times less likely to describe adultery as morally acceptable.
Less than one-half of one percent of those with a Biblical Workdview said voluntary exposure to Pornography was morally acceptable. Around the same percentage did not support Abortion.
If we have ove 85% of Americans saying that they believe in "A God" then my question is "What god are they worshipping? The numbers speak for themselves. I have you know, that I am proud to be called a Radical Extremist in the Eyes of God. The difference between me being an Extremist versus a Muslim, is that I believe in a God of Peace that is Loving and Forgiving and wanting all to come to Him. However, I also realize that He is a Jealous God with Righteous Indignation. He does not wish that any should perish. I choose to stand up and FIGHT against the things of this world that so easily entrap us.
I am a part of that minority of 4% of adults that call themselves Radically in Love with God. I am so Extreme in my walk with God, that I am willing to stand apart from the fray and not succumb to the peer pressures of this world.
Will you take a stand with me, to be a minority called out from the Complacent?