"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Today I had the opportunity to go to Churchill Downs to our banks corporate "Finish Line Suite." Several of the bank officers invited customers and prospects to wine and dine them for the afternoon. Although betting on the horses is not my cup of tea, I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to go and be pampered in the lap of luxury.
For those of you that have never been to Churchill Downs, there was a famous race run there almost two weeks ago. You might have heard of it: The Kentucky Derby (that is for all of my out of town friends).
While driving with my two customers to The Downs, I happened to look up and saw a large Falcon perched over the interstate. I know that a Falcon is not an Eagle, but it sure looked the same size. I remember thinking to myself what it must be like to be free to fly. When we arrived at the racetrack, the steward pushed the button for us to go up to the 5th floor. Keep in mind that there are only 6 floors, which I might add is really high up.
When we got up there and looked out over the track and the Louisville skyline, the view was breathtaking. The horses looked like toys, the people like ants, and the birds were BIG. While standing on that balcony, it all of a sudden hit me how high up I was. More than anything, I was surprised at how insignificant things seemed on the ground.
It is easy to get discouraged while down in the valley, but when you are soaring up high problems just seem insignificant. I didn't realize until the end of the day how much I enjoyed being up high (and the lack of crowds and foot traffic). It wasn't until we descended from the 5th floor to the 1st did I realize how much I cherished the day.
The moral of this blog is not that we should spend our days on the 5th floor Finish Line Suites at Churchill Downs. Rather, to spread our wings and fly as often as we can, and not get so bogged down with the flow of traffic in the valley...