Naivety: "Deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment"--(Webster Dictionary definition)
Stupidity: "Lacking intelligence or reason"--(Webster Dictionary definition)
I intend to address one topic and one topic only in this Blog: "Are you Naive or Stupid in the ways of the Lord?" Granted there are so many avenues that you can go down with this topic, but I intend to address this state of being as related to your position and relationship with Christ.
Let's take the first word, Naivety. I had always thought that a person is naive if they are a little flighty in their persona and just don't know better. However, according to Websters definition it deals with a lack of wordly wisdom. When I looked that up it really got me thinking. I have often wondered if the lack of spiritual maturity in oneself was directly correlated to the teaching they sit under or the overall maturity of a church. I have since come to an epiphany of realization that the only one to blame for ones spiritual state, is that person individually.
James 1:5 (ESV) says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
All we have to do is ask if we are lacking wisdom. Now for the clarification of the above definition from Webster. I want nothing to do with "Wordly Wisdom." That kind can only come from experiencing and sampling the fleshly desires on this earth. When we come to a basic understaning of Him, we can comprehend and know that what appears sweet on this earth in the form of instant gratification, is mere stench and rancid in God's nostrils.
This brings me to my second definition, Stupidity. If I am lacking Heavenly intelligence and reason, James 1:5 says that all I have to do is ask. Therefore, if you have not asked Him through absolute surrender, then you are absolutely expecting to receive worldly wisdom, rather that heavenly. This act can only be classifed as one of Stupidity. When we know the truth, we are told that the truth will set you free.
The question that I pose to you is are you willing to be Naive to worldy attractions that seek to lure you in? It is very plain to me that I am seeking to be Naive to this worlds ways. That does not mean that I do not have eyes that are wide open and aware to my surroundings and what is occuring around me. If that were the case, I would not be wary of satan's advances and therefore be ready to fight.
May we strive not to be Stupid in Christ through a lack of education in Him. If all we have to do is ask and it will be given freely, then I suggest that we all ask. God is ready and willing to impart His Wisdom through the Bible to each and every one of us. May I be stupid and lack intelligence of the things that satan is selling through counterfeit goods on this earth. It is my prayer that each of us strive to be more naive in wordly wisdom, and become alive to Christ...