We have all heard the Nationwide Insurance tag line that says "Life comes at you Fast." How true that is. One particular cruise around the lake, I discovered that if you angle your arms downwards, then you shoot like a rocket to the bottom of the lake. COOL... I felt like Einstein must have felt when he discovered the theory of relativity. What I had forgotten at that point in time, was that Lake Cumberland was man-made, and much of it had been a flooded farmland. It is easy to just glide across the top of the water, and not realize what is below. All of a sudden, I must have been 20 feet below the surface and tree tops started whizzing by me. Talk about Life coming at you Fast. I learned in a jiffy that what appeared to be really cool at the surface, was not very wise in the depths.
How is life coming at you Fast? One minute you are cruising along, and the next minute you have tree tops coming at you. We have all seen lives rocked from divorce, illness, deaths, job losses, etc... The question comes into play, "Who do you turn to in time of need?" So many people say that I am just a religious nut. Okay, I accept that as a badge of honor. I would rather be passionate about my realtionship with Jesus Christ, then just coasting through life trying to get by.
When my wife Amy was diagnosed with cancer in 2006, Life Came at me FAST... At first I was depressed, distraught, discouraged, etc... I wasn't sure what to do. I am thankful for those that surrounded about me during that time, but more importantly, I am thankful for the Firm Foundation that I had in Christ prior to heading into that storm. Please don't wait for Life to smack you upside the head before you wake up. The time to have depth and maturity in life is not when the bottom falls out, but when you are coasting along at a steady pace.
Are you prepared for when Life Comes at you Fast...