Please don't mistake any of what I am writing here as not loving my dog, but I would like to make a point. Have you ever had a love for someone or something, and then it slowly fades as the months go by? Soon, I was the one feeding, watering, walking, bathing, and spending time with Jasmine. The kids get their thrill out of her when they need her, but I am the consistent love in her life. She is so obsessed with me, that she can not get close enough to my face. If she hears me make any noise stirring in bed in the morning, she will come stand right by my side of the bed with her head a couple of inches from mine, as if to say, "Is it time now for you to get up? Will you now spend time with me? I have been waiting for you all night." I get the same reaction when I get home. I have to admit, sometimes I get really annoyed. I feel like saying, "Man dog, give me some space." Quit being so obsessive.
God has been speaking to my heart for quite some time about the parrallels between Jasmine and Himself. God wants us to spend time with Him. He can not wait for us to wake up and to put Him first in our lives. When we go to sleep, He wants us to keep Him on our mind. The problem arises when I think that Jasmine is getting too obsessive and I need some space. Do you ever feel like you push God away and feel like He wants too much of your life? The thing that amazes me more than anything is I can have a bad day, but Jasmine takes my rejection in stride. She does not try to get as far away from me when I yell at her, instead she will stand by waiting for me to get over my attitude. She is forgiving like I have never seen this gift portrayed before. No matter what I say to her or how I treat her, she is always wanting to pursue a close personal relationship with me.
Do you know that God our Father is much the same way. We can push Him away, and He is still there waiting for us. We can put our heads on our pillow at night, and He is right there by our bedside when we get up the next morning. So many times we forget how satisfying it is to spend time with Him on a daily basis. Will you learn from this life lesson, and stop rejecting God...