For years I have said that I hate New Years Resolutions. I hate when I hear of people that are starting new fad diets, as 9 times out of 10 they don't result in a lifestyle change. I get perturbed of hearing of people going on the patch or chewing gum in order to stop smoking. Still others swear that they will spend more time with their children, and less time watching tv. Why is is that I get so frustrated about these things, and turn into a pessimist? Because, as Americans we have forgotten what our WORD means, and to follow-through on something that we commit to.
Don't get me wrong, I am the same way. I have taken on many a task in life, that I have not followed through with. We all have To-Do lists around the house or a work that seems to get carried over from day to day. The question that I raise for you is: "Are you willing to commit to changes in your life?" Quitting smoking, dieting, spending time with the kids, reading your Bible, etc... are all Great and Noble tasks. The challenge is that we need to follow-through on our committments. Don't just say you are going to do something because you have good intentions, but rather make it a practice in your life. Not because somebody else told you to, but rather because you know that you NEED IT.
James 1:22 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It says "Be DOERS of the Word, and not HEARERS only." It is easy to sit back and make plans, but implementing them is a whole seperate matter. I do intend to eat less, walk more, and grow closer in my relationship with God and others. To just say so for 2010 does not make it happen. I intend to brush my teeth and floss by 8:00p.m. every night, so as not to gorge myself before bed time. I am going to walk my Golden Retriever, Jasmine, around my subdivision every night in order to enhance our fight against lethargy. It is all about being deliberate and specific with your goals.
What committments have you made for 2010, and what plan have you put in place to make it a lifestyle change???