"After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves."
Mark 5:37
"And he allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James and John..."
Have you ever wondered why in the Church Institution as a whole, we have catered towards the worlds marketing plans? I know, because I bought into this for several years. I was so caught up in the amount of men that I reached in my Men's Ministry, that I lost sight of what Jesus portrayed in his own life. Jesus showed us the ultimate marketing plan in that if we put our focus on a few and disciple them the way that He commanded, then they will turn around and do the same. Jesus poured into the twelve disciples, but took even more emphasis with Peter, James, and John.
Unfortunately in church buildings all over the world; ministers, pastors, missionaries, elders, deacons, etc. have bought into the "American Way" of marketing. Many have chosen the path of blitzing the masses with a shotgun approach of liturgy, whereas others have idly sat back and let it zing right over their heads. Television and print commercials are designed to lay out a product in hopes that somebody will stumble across that specific media path. I feel that God's way is a little more acute and fine tuned then that.
John 16:8
"...He will Convict the world concerning Sin, Righteousness, and Judgement."
Humans do not have the power or ability to convict someone of their sin, only God who works through his Word, Creation, and Holy Spirit has that power. We are never to presume that we have the authority to convict or forgive somebody of their sin and rotten heart. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is our responsibility to express and Show the Galatians 5 "Fruit of the Spirit" in our lives, that Jesus might exude from every corner of our being.
I have been leading a Sunday School class in the month of March at church. A couple of weeks ago there were several people that forgot to set their clocks forward an hour, and thus did not show up to class. The leader of the class apologized for not having a "Full" class for me to teach. I told my dear friend that I am no longer about the numbers, and the masses. I was quite content speaking to the 10 that were there, rather than the 30 on a normal Sunday. We have to get to a point of not looking at a congregation of 500 and asking what might "I/We" do to grow it to 1,000. God is the one and only who has the ability to GROW His CHURCH!!! I am not talking about a congregation with people, but the CHURCH as the Bride and Body of Christ.
I grew up going to Michigan for summer vacations. One thing that I learned at an early age is that the fish at the top of the lake swim in multitudes. They are comfortable just nibbling here and there on your hook. Some might get a taste, but they never really latch on. the smaller the hook that you use, the smaller the fish that will nibble. However, the bigger the hook and the deeper I fished, the fewer fish would I find. The more depth in fishing results in the greater catch when strategically placed.
My prayer is that each of us does our part in devoting our lives to Jesus as sold out Jesus Freaks! We must be so in love with Him that we abhor sin! Then we have to make ourselves available to His calling in not only our lives, but others. When we do that, we will not be just casting seeds on rocky and thorny soil (Luke 8:4-8), but rather on fertile soil that has been tilled and prepared by His Holy Spirit.
Think Backwards when it comes to Christ. He is not of the things of this world and what we have been sold. Reach a Few, and go Deeper with them in the Lord!!!