So many people have this closet that they retreat into. This closet is filled with stuff that they think only they know about. The problem that arises is that nothing is kept secret from God, and eventually your sins will find you out. Do you have a closet that you go into? Yes this is figurative, but what things have you kept hidden from others? I refuse to have a door on any closet in my life. I have swung that door open a long time ago, and let Jesus light shine in to every corner of my life. This is why I do not have a problem talking about past addictions, and issues that I currently am gaining victory over. Instead of allowing stinking, rotting corpses to accumulate in the closets of your life, it is time to fling the door wide open.
In Joshua 7 we see a story about Achan hiding treasured items. When Joshua and all of the Israelites defeated Jericho, they were told by God not to take anything from the city. Achan did not obey this command, but rather stole Gold, Siver, and precious garments. When his sin was found out, as it always will be, not only was he taken outside the walls of the city and stoned, but his whole family as well. You can see here how parasitic sin is and far reaching.
Promise Keepers recently came out with an astounding statistic. 85% of Men between the ages of 18-30 are addicted to Pornography. 60% of Men in churches are addicted to Pornography. Do you think we have a problem folks? Yeah!@!@! One of the best investments I ever made was spending $49 for a computer filter called Safe Eyes. You can find out more about this at This is a ministry that reaches out to those with sexual addictions. Guess what, not only is it men that are getting addicted to pornography, but women as well. We are seeing more and more married women that are the initiators of affairs, whereas years ago it was primarily single ladies that were labeled as sluts. Not anymore. The desire to fill that sexual lust and appetite is strong.
Bottom line, there is freedom from this vile filth from the pit of hell. Don't tell yourself that you do not have a problem, because it is only a fractional addiction. God wants us to be pure and to take control of our lives and actions. You will not be able to grow closer and deeper in your walk with God until you take control of this area of your life. Do not be naive and think that your husband or wife does not struggle with this. I learned to be open about this a long time ago with my wife. Not an easy or fun Blog for me to post, but one that is essential to your survival...