To start off, my computer at home caught a virus that crashed the whole system. Due to about a hundred individuals in my immediate family having birthdays in February, I have not had the money to get it fixed. Therefore my Blog writing at home on the weekends has ceased. Next, it seems like the PHD that my three kids are achieving in Elementary school is overshadowed by the mountain of homework that they come home with nightly. On top of all of that, I am leading a six week study on the book that I wrote, starting this Wednesday night at church. In the month of March, I am leading a four week Sunday School session on Being a Disciple. All of these take preparation, in order to not walk in and have people just stare at me (Well, they will probably do that anyways).
When I look back at last week, I was at church 5 days in a row. Wednesday night church, Thursday night I led devotions for the adults watching the Upwards Basketball game, Friday night I took my son Nathan to basketball practice and led his team devotions, Saturday I went to a 4 hour Disaster Relief training, and Sunday morning I was back in worship. When I look at this week, it looks much the same way. Tomorrow night I am taking my lovely bride out for her birthday, Wednesday night I lead a class at church, Thursday night my wife teaches a college course in Louisville, Friday night I have Nathan's basketball practice and lead devotions, Saturday we are celebrating 4 birthdays in the immediate family, and back to worship on Sunday.
Life gets a hold of you sometimes!!!
I say all of this to say that we have to proactively make sure that we are not overcommitting in our lives. What seems like a good thing, could quite possibly be detrimental to your life. It is not always the case, but remember that when you do something, there might be a different thing that suffers. In other words if I choose to veg in front of the tv at night, then the time spent with my kids might suffer.
II Thessalonians 3:1 (ESV) says, "For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies." It is important that we evaluate our level of productiveness. Don't just be busy to be busy. Make sure that it is something the Lord would have you do...