One day my brother and I decided to take Bay out for a ride. If you have ever ridden a horse, you know that they like to puff up their stomachs in order to allow a little more room under their girth strap. First I had my short ride, then it was my brother Michael's turn. Little did he know that the strap was too loose. One minute he was galloping down the field, the next he completely disappeared. For a fleeting moment I thought the rapture had occured, then I realized that I was still standing there. I looked down and directly underneath Bay's belly, my brother was holding on for dear life. The saddle had slipped underneath the horse and had done a complete 180.
Have you ever felt like this in life? One minute you are trotting along without a care in the world. The wind is blowing in your face and you feel like it can't get any better. Then all of a sudden that bottom falls out from underneath you, and your world is turned upside down. I am here to tell you that you can have peace in the storms of life. Jesus Christ does not abandon or turn His back on us. Hebrews 13:5 tells us that "He will never leave us nor forsake us." I don't know about you, but that imparts incredible peace and comfort in my life. In a world that is wrought with heartache, I want to have a saviour that cares enough not to abandon me.
What kind of Bucking Broncos do you have in your life? Has your life been turned upside down in a jiffy? Marriages are sitting at a 50/50 chance of making it. Unwed mothers are having children out of wedlock at a record pace. More abortions are being performed everyday. Chronic depression is at an all time high. Addictions to pornography is parasitic. Vices are running rampant with people attempting to fill voids in their lives.
I have only one question: When the bucking bronco comes and turns your world upside down, will you hold fast to Jesus...