"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, "my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
I am curious what the title of this blog evokes in your mind. Is it a comic book hero or villain? Is it a cold dark place, or a Honda motorcycle? Maybe it sounds ghostly to you, or quite possibly not something that interests you much. The truth is that we need to embrace the term and concept.
I have often said over the last year that the next book that I write will be a book on opposites. Meaning that God's ways are not the ways of this world. The lust of the flesh and the pride of life is not the way that He has ordained our lives. Rather, He wants us to abide in the shadow of His Almighty presence.
I was laying in bed yesterday morning at about 4:00a.m. and felt the Lord speaking to my heart. I felt Him asking me if I was abiding in His shadow. I had never thought about the concept very much, as in today's society we are taught to be in the lime light and out front. It is not ingrained in our selfish nature to play second fiddle to anybody, but that is exactly what Christ is requiring of us, if we are going to call ourselves Christians.
When I was a little boy, I memorized Psalm 91. It has always been my favorite passage in the Bible as it assures me that He will deliver me from danger and give me refuge and shelter. In this macho world where we are taught to suck it up and not show emotions, He is giving us permission to be in His shadow. In order to exist in His shadow, I must first dwell in His shelter. In order for this to occur, I must trust Him as Lord of my life. I HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT HE IS ALL SUFFICIENT, AND THAT I NEED NOTHING ELSE!
I say with confidence to my LORD, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust." Will you say this as well. Better yet, will you proclaim it with your actions to the Almighty???